
Hailstorms in Houston, TX

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When you think of Houston, you probably picture that blazing Texas sun. But the Houston metro area experiences frequent adverse weather phenomena, including torrential downpours, lightning, and hailstorms.

If you live in the Houston area, you should be prepared for when the next big hailstorm hits. And you should always keep All Dry USA on deck in case you need storm damage repair.

Close Up Of Hail On Ground

Does Houston Get Hailstorms?

Hail can cause a wide range of problems when it falls to the ground, making it dangerous to you and your home alike.

Houston is no stranger to hailstorms. In fact, “Golf ball-sized” hail fell just north of the downtown Houston area in June 2023.

Is Hail Common in Houston?

Hail is most common wherever thunderstorms are most common. These massive storm systems, also known as supercells, generate the necessary conditions to convert precipitation into hail.

While you’re more likely to experience a hailstorm in a state like Florida, New Mexico, or Wyoming, it’s not uncommon for the Houston area to get them.

Hailstones can range in size from pea-sized to the size of grapefruits. The larger the hailstones, the more dangerous the storm.

Here’s what you need to know about how to protect yourself and your home.

What Are the Hazards Associated With Hailstorms?

What makes hail dangerous isn’t just the size of the hailstones but the speed at which they fall. Depending on factors such as the size of the stone, the friction between the stone and the air that surrounds it, and local wind conditions, hailstones can come rocketing down to the ground as fast as 70 mph. Speeds typically clock in at around 9-25 mph, but that’s still quite dangerous.

The various hazards associated with hailstorms include:

Hazardous to Driving

Hail can be dangerous while driving, regardless of the size of the hailstones. If the hailstones are tiny and plentiful, sight conditions can suffer, and if they’re large, they can damage your car, even cracking your windshield. Before you take the car out when the horizon looks cloudy, check the weather forecast to ensure hail isn’t predicted.

Can Cause Damage to Humans and Animals

Hail hurts. Even the tiniest, pea-sized hailstones can be painful. Most of the time, hailstones stay small, as they don’t have much time to collect additional weight as they barrel through the sky — but they can get bigger.

Hailstones as large as tennis balls and grapefruits have been known to cause injuries to humans and animals. Hailstorms can even result in death. 

If a hailstorm is in the forecast, plan to stay home. If you notice the hailstones are larger than olives, take shelter in a basement or under a sturdy surface like a granite countertop.

Property Damage

The walls, windows, and roofs of houses are vulnerable to damage from falling hail. In fact, cars are often totaled from hail damage. Window, roof, and siding damage can also result in leaks that lead to interior damage — and without treatment, dangerous mold can begin to spread through damp spaces.

It can be difficult to detect a damaged ceiling or roof until water damage has already occurred, so it’s always best to have a property inspection after a hailstorm to prevent damage before it’s too late.

Preparing for a Hailstorm

You can prepare for a hailstorm well in advance. Don’t wait until the sky grows grey. Make a plan now and stick to it when the storm comes.

The top action on your preparedness plan should include:

  • Find a Safe Place: Designate a shelter spot inside the home.
  • Monitor the Situation: Keep an eye on local weather forecasts and set up alerts for severe weather on your weather app.
  • Keep Flashlights Ready: This is necessary in case the hail knocks down a power line.
  • Check With Your Insurer: Find out what’s covered and if you can take out a policy that covers weather damage if necessary.
  • Consider Roof Tarping: If you’ve already sustained roof damage or fear your roof may not withstand an intense storm, roof tarping might help.
  • Reinforce Your Windows: This will help to protect them from shattering during the storm.
  • Bring Outdoor Items Indoors: Outdoor equipment and patio furniture should be in a safe place, such as a garage or shed. Cover larger items you can’t move to mitigate damage. Make sure your car is parked in a covered area or covered with a car cover or thick blanket.
  • Trim Trees: Trimming trees near your home can prevent damage and danger that may result from fallen branches or trees.
  • Put Together an Emergency Kit: In case of road closures or power outages, make sure you have everything you and your family need for at least five days. This includes water, food, medication, and batteries.

Staying Safe During a Hailstorm

If you do find yourself caught up in a hailstorm, keep these tips in mind:

  • Stay Indoors: Hailstones can harm animals and humans, so everyone should be inside. Avoid windows and doors where glass can break.
  • Reach a Covered Area: If you’re driving, try to find cover. If you can’t, pull over and protect your face and head. Stay away from tall objects, as lightning often accompanies hail.
  • Stay Tuned for Updates: Monitor your local weather station. Hailstorms can lead to cell service interruptions and power outages, so have a battery-powered radio available.
  • Avoid Electronic/Appliance Usage: Be wary of using appliances powered by an outlet, as hailstorms are often associated with thunderstorms, and lightning can travel through wiring.

What to Do Following a Hailstorm

After the hailstorm has passed, here are some ways to facilitate speedy recovery and property restoration:

  • Watch for Weather Updates: Don’t go outdoors until you get the all-clear.
  • Be Wary of Venturing Outside: Hail can down power lines and trees, rupture gas mains, and cause other damage to critical infrastructure. Stay away from tall objects and metal as these structures and trees can be weakened by hail and fall even after the storm has abated — or lightning could strike. The storm isn’t necessarily over just because the hail has stopped.
  • Document Everything: If your home has sustained any damage, take pictures before you clean anything up.
  • Contact Your Insurance Company: Having pictures, videos, and records helps your claims process go more smoothly.
  • Contact a Professional Restoration Company: The team of experts at a storm damage repair company like All Dry USA will be able to assess the extent of the damage, give you a quote, and address any interior damage resulting from hail.

Suffering From Hailstorm Damage in Houston, TX? ADU Can Help

You can prepare for hailstorms and minimize their damage to your home. But you can’t prevent damage altogether. If your home sustains any interior damage due to a hailstorm, All Dry USA is here to help.

Our water damage and mold remediation experts operate around the clock in Houston, and they know hail. Let our professional team help you restore your home to its former condition; get in touch today!


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